Fantasy worlds and communities
Fantastic worlds with endless imagination. An artist’s mind never rests. That is why we fall into a constantly changing and exciting world. The only rule is that there are no rules and we have fun.
I started building several fantasy worlds with quite different themes.
– HEX 0 Universe: Originally it started as a 2D world, but now I think it will be the center of the multiverse. A gateway between worlds, perhaps a center of community and knowledge. – C5U: That is, Cyber 5 Universe. A multiworld with an endless storyline. An alternative past, present, future. The fantastic with all its exciting possibilities. – Mini Mutant Monsters: A small one-legged, one-eyed mini monster figure inspired this universe-spanning fantasy world. Story lines of small, funny and brave monsters intertwining and touching the earthly world. A fairytale world with endless possibilities. – Lost cities:
You are a writer or a composer and you are captivated by a fantasy world. Please contact me here:
Follow and take part in it! Find your world!